C2E2 Logo and Brand Guidelines
Any use of the C2E2 logo on printed or digital materials MUST be approved by the C2E2 team prior to being printed or promoted. Please email us a sample of how you plan to use the logo and we will provide feedback quickly.
Downloadable Logo Assets
General Rules for C2E2 Logo Assets
Logo Color Guidelines
Primary Colors
C2E2 Red
RGB: 237 / 28 / 36
HEX: #ed1c24
CMYK: 1 / 99 / 97 / 0
C2E2 Black
RGB: 0 / 0 / 0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 / 100
PMS: PANTONE Neutral Black C
Secondary colors
RGB: 91 / 189 / 190
HEX: #5bbdbe
RGB: 30 / 91 / 160
HEX: #1e5ba0
RGB: 58 / 58 / 58
HEX: #3a3a3a
RGB: 21 / 97 / 100
HEX: #156164
RGB: 140 / 60 / 103
HEX: #8c3c67
RGB: 233 / 120 / 153
HEX: #e97899
RGB: 226 / 81 / 40
HEX: #e25128
Incorrect Usage
Don't alter the color of the logo or add embellishments, such as glows, drop shadows, gradients, textures, patterns, or images intentionally added into the knockout.
Don't rotate or tilt the logo.
Don't use the outdated version of the logo with the splatter behind
Use of C2E2 Event Name
Our event name should be written out as Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo in the first mention and abbreviated to C2E2 after that. We are not to be referred to as Chicago Comic Con. Any other spellings or abbreviations of our name are incorrect.
If you have additional questions or concerns about how to use our logo, please email us.