April 11 - 13, 2025
McCormick Place

Funko & Mondo Reservations

4/4 UPDATE: all reservations have been filled. Please refer to the below for information on how to join the standby line on site.

What Is A Reservation? 

A reservation is a way to secure your spot in line and your chance to buy this year's latest Funko and Mondo Exclusives at C2E2. This way, you'll be able to plan out your C2E2 ahead of time rather than wait in another line! Reservations are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

When Will I Receive My Link(s) to Get My Reservations?

Reservation presale links will be sent on the morning of 4/4. If you do not receive a link, please reach out to our Customer Service heroes at [email protected]

How Do I Participate In The Funko & Mondo Reservations?

Great question! If you purchased a valid ticket to C2E2 either through our website or at a comic shop, you qualify to participate in reservations.

If you purchased at your local comic shop, you’re required to activate your badge to participate in reservations.

What If I Bought Tickets For Multiple People? Will They All Receive A Link?

If you purchased tickets for friends and family, you MUST transfer your tickets on or before Monday, March 25 at 11:59PM CT in order for your friends or family to also receive a Funko and Mondo reservation presale link.

To transfer your tickets, log in to My Tickets to transfer tickets to friends and family. If you’ve never logged in before, select “Forgot Your Password” to set your password.

Once logged in, you will see your C2E2 ticket order.

To Transfer Tickets:

  1. Select the blue “Manage Profile” button to see the tickets you can transfer.
  2. Select which tickets you’d like to transfer, enter the email address of the recipient and click“Transfer”.
  3. Recipients will recieve an email telling them to accept the transfer. Transfers must be accepted to participate in the Funko reservations.

IMPORTANT: If you DO NOT transfer your tickets before Monday, March 25, you will only receive one link for reservations, no matter how many tickets you purchased.

What If I Bought Badge(s) At My Local Comic Shop?

Don’t worry! You can still participate in the Funko and Mondo reservations. To participate, you MUST activate your badge on or before Monday, March 25. If you have activated your badge, you will receive a presale link to participate in reservations.

If you purchased multiple badges for friends and family at your local comic shop, you must activate each badge with a unique email. If not, you will only receive one presale link.

Do I Need To Activate My Badge To Receive a Presale Link?

If you purchased your badge(s) via C2E2.com: you do not need to activate your badge to receive your link? But you definitely should activate your badge before you arrive at C2E2 to experience all the show has to offer!

If you purchased your badge(s) at your local comic shop: you MUST activate your badge on or before March 25 to receive a presale link. Activate your badge.

Will There Be A Standby Line? 

There will be an extremely limited standby line to enter the Funko booth later in the day. The standby line will begin in the North Hall (the Queue Hall) each morning of the show. The standby line is first-come, first-served and does not guarantee entry into the Funko booth.


No, you may only make reservations for yourself. If you purchased tickets for other people, you must transfer them on or before Monday, March 25th in order for them to participate in Reservations. 

Every C2E2 attendee will have the ability to make one Funko reservation and one Mondo reservation.

Reservation presale links will be sent to the email you provided 24 hours before reservations launch.

Nope. Each person must make their own reservations separately, and will receive a unique QR code to the email address they provided.

Nope, but you do need to have your badge purchased and assigned to your email address to make reservations. This lets us know that you have a valid C2E2 badge and what days you're attending! 

Yes! In order to manage demand, a queue will be put in place. When the queue opens, everyone will enter the at the same time and spots will be assigned randomly. Reservations will be available on a first-come, first-served basis once after you get through the queue.

No. One reservation permits one person to enter the Funko booth. Each attendee must have their own reservation to enter. 

You must make a reservation for the day you have a valid C2E2 badge for. Reservations will not be honored for different days.

Attendees with kids badges are not permitted to participate in reservations. They may accompany a parent, but only the attendee with the valid reservation may purchase.

Press, Professional, Content Creator, Panelist, Artist Alley, Writers Block and Exhibitor badge holders may not participate in reservations, but are welcome to join the standby queue.

No. Individual reservations will be required for each. Mondo reservations will not allow entrance to the Funko line. Funko reservations will not allow entrance to the Mondo line.