Display Rules & Regulations

The following rules and guidelines specify what an exhibitor can and cannot do with their booth space. These rules and guidelines are based on the physical characteristics of the exhibit hall, the intent to be equally fair to all exhibitors, and the safety of all concerned.

Please review these rules and plan your display accordingly as variances will not be granted prior to the Show or on-site.

Demonstration Areas

Demonstration areas must be confined within the exhibit space so as not to interferewith any traffic in the aisles. Exhibitors must contract sufficient space to be able to comply with this rule. When large crowds gather to watch a demonstration and interfere with the flow oftraffic down the aisles or create excessive crowds at neighboring booths, it is an infringement on the rights of other exhibitors. Aisles may not be obstructed at anytime.

Demonstration Equipment

Equipment, product, or machinery, when displayed to demonstrate or simulate industrialapplication, are exempt from the foregoing height limits, but are restricted only by ceiling height, as well as building and safety codes.

Exposed Areas Must Be Finished

All backwalls, sidewalls or any other exposed areas of the display must be draped or finished surfaces. No graphics, logos, or print facing into another booth is allowed. Anycompany advertisement or promotion must face into the aisle. In-line and peninsula booths must have a finished back wall covering the back of the booth. See through back walls or displays which do not cover the back wall completely will not be allowed.

Please note that ALL FIRE HOSE CABINETS MUST BE KEPT VISIBLE AND CLEAR. After 9:00 AM on the day of Show Open any part of a booth with unfinished side or back walls will be draped by Show Management at the expense of the exhibitor.

Graphics on Neighbor's Side

The backside of walls - the common border facing a neighboring booth - must be clear of copy, logos, or other graphics, so as not to be an eyesore to neighboring exhibitors.

Height Limitations

C2E2 follows the cubic content rule which allows exhibitors to make maximum use of their booth space. Under the cubic content rule, exhibitors may build up to the front of their booths, and up to the maximum allowable height according to booth type as indicated below. However, anything above the provided drape heights must be finished, neutral and devoid of copy on any wall adjacent to another exhibitor.

The following maximum height limits will be strictly enforced. No height variances will be granted prior to or on-site at the show. Please plan your booth display and sign structures accordingly. Maximum allowable height is also directly affected by the ceiling height of your booth area. The maximum height of a display booth at the backwall, including any form of lighting system, signage, or header shall be:


Bounded by 1 or 2 aisles. Hanging Signs are not permitted in linear booths. It is much more cost effective to floor mount signage with a linear booth height limit of 12 feet. Note: side-drape provided is 3 feet high and the back-drape provided is 8 feet high.


Bounded by 3 aisles. Exhibit booths must also be at least 20 ft. deep and 20 ft. wide to meet Show Management’s requirements for hanging signs. Hanging signs in peninsula booths may reach a height limit of 20 ft. to top of sign. Two-sided Signs must be hung 5 ft. from the back wall and the side facing rear of the booth must be clear of copy, logos or other graphics so as not to be an eyesore to neighboring exhibitors. Note: the back-drape provided is 8 feet high.


Island Booth - Bounded by 4 aisles. Booths must also be 20 ft. deep and 20 ft. wide to meet Show Management’s requirements for hanging signs. Hanging signs in island booths may reach a height limit of 25 ft. to top of the sign.


PLEASE NOTE: Nothing will be permitted above these maximum heights, including signs, banners, truss structures, lighting and/or display materials. Maximum allowable height is also directly affected by the ceiling height of your booth area.

Hanging Signs are not permitted in linear booths. It is much more cost effective to floor mount signage with a linear booth height limit of 12 ft.

If you have a question about the type of your booth, please contact RX Global Operations.

Inspection Deadline

Any booth not occupied by 9:00 AM on the day of Show Open will be presumed abandoned.

If there is freight in the booth and Show Management believes the exhibitor will be late, then FREEMAN will set up the display as best they can with the information available.

If there is no freight in the booth and/or Show Management believes the exhibitor will not participate in the show, the booth will be reassigned.

Exhibitors arriving after this time will be given space available and may incur additional costs. Please contact your Sales Management team to let them know of this important deadline.

All exhibits must be completely set by 9:00 AM on the day of Show Open.

No shipment will be accepted at any time past 5:00 PM of the last day of Exhibitor move-in, or beyond.

Absolutely no shipment, equipment, or material may be brought onto the show floor during show hours.