The C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay (the "C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay") is the final stop of the ReedPOP Global Championships of Cosplay competition series (the "Championship Series"). The C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay is a celebration of all pop culture that focuses on craftsmanship and includes competitors from all over the world hoping to be crowned the Global Champion of Cosplay (the "Global Champion"). The C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay takes place on the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo's ("C2E2") main stage and includes a pre-judging session with all competitors (each, a Competitor") earlier in the day of the competition (the "Competition" or "Contest"). In order to be eligible as a Competitor, each individual participating must adhere to and be bound by these official rules (the "Official Rules"). C2E2 regional Competitors ("Regional Competitors") will compete against each other and the winner advances to the US championships portion of the Championship Series. A final US champion will then advance into the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay round to compete again regional champions from all over the world. All entries for the C2E2 regional qualifier of the Championship Series must represent a character or element from the pop culture realm. Competitors will be evaluated on the quality and craftsmanship of their costume within the three skill categories below for the Championship Series and the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay. Each cosplay entry will be assessed regardless of which category Competitors select in the application, and overall winners will be chosen from all categories.


How It Works
The following are the categories Competitors will be judged on (the "Categories"):
Needlework – Cosplay constructed primarily through sewing, stitching, embroidery, etc.
Armor – Cosplay constructed primarily by molding and shaping its outer layers using acrylic, EVA foam, Worbla, Wonderflex, cardboard, etc.
FX – Cosplay that primarily features animatronics, optical effects, mechanical effects, special effects makeup, prosthetics, etc.
Each Competitor must submit an application (an "Application") to be reviewed by the C2E2 Team and additional cosplay experts as determined and selected by the C2E2 Team. Competitors may only enter one (1) costume into the Championship Seriesand group costumes are not permitted. If approved, accepted Competitors will be contacted by the C2E2 Team and will advance on to the regional competition stage of the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay. Competitors will be judged on the quality and craftsmanship of their costumes. 60% or more of the Competitor's costume must be made by the person wearing such costume. In addition, all costumes must be at least 75% complete at the time the Competitor applies to enter the Championship Series. High quality photos of the costume are required to be considered for entry and must be submitted by the Competitor.
Competitors selected for the competition will be pre-judged for craftsmanship off-stage earlier in the day of the Competition at such time and location as determined by the C2E2 Team in its sole discretion. Competitors will then compete on the C2E2 Main Stage in the evening of the day of the Competition. There will be three rounds of competition at the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay. The first round will be the C2E2 Competition, the second round will be the United States Competition, and the third round consists of the final Global Competition.
In the first round, the C2E2 Team will award first, second and third place medals for the "best Competitor" in each skill category (Needlework, Armor, and FX). In the second round, the C2E2 Team will award the top three overall Competitors regardless of whether or not such Competitor placed first, second or third in the previous round of honors, and such Competitor will become the "Crown Champion". In the third round, the reigning Competitors from Emerald City Comic Con, New York Comic Con and Keystone Comic Con will compete against the C2E2 Crown Champion to determine the U.S. representative who will face off against the international cosplay champions. In the fourth round, the U.S. champion along with the international regional championships from Australia, China, Austria, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Korea, the United Kingdom, South Africa and France will compete for the ultimate prize of being titled the Global Champion of Cosplay.
All Competitors must provide the C2E2 Team with a brief description of their costume for the main stage emcee to read as they cross the stage and exhibit two to three poses before exiting the stage. No speaking or individualization of music is allowed as pre-selected music will play throughout the Competition. The time limit per participant on stage is approximately one minute. Space in the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay is very limited and all entries will be evaluated based on each Competitor's completed entry form, details and high quality picture of their costume. There are no group entries allowed.
C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay Prizes
- Global Competition
- Global Champion - $5,000 Cash
- Runner Up - $2,000 Cash
- Third Place - $1,000 Cash
- C2E2 Regional Competition
- First Place - $1,000 Cash and VIP badges to C2E2 2021
- Second Place - $500 Cash and 3-Day badges to C2E2 2021
- Third Place - $250 Cash and 3-Day badges to C2E2 2021
- Fourth Place – 3-Day badges to C2E2 2021
Category Awards
Prizes will be awarded based on judge rankings in each of the following categories: Needlework, Armor, and FX.
Please note: these are the categories currently planned, but C2E2 reserves the right to adjust the categories at any time in its sole discretion based on entries received.
Best in Category Awards:
A winner will be selected from each category based upon the judges' cumulative scores in each category.
Enter the competition
To apply for entry to the competition, please fill out the form once applications open in 2021. A valid C2E2 badge will be required for all approved competitors and handlers when you check in. You will not be allowed in the building to compete without a valid badge for C2E2.
The Rules:
All participants in the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay must adhere to the following rules:
All selected Competitors are responsible for all expenses related to competing in the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay including all lodging and travel to and from C2E2. All Competitors must have a valid badge for Saturday at C2E2. If a Competitor does not have a Saturday badge and is accepted into the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay, C2E2 can offer one Competitor and one handler the opportunity to purchase one (1) C2E2 Saturday badge each to participate in the Competition.
Competitors can only enter once and only wear one (1) costume per Competition. Competitors may not register multiple times with multiple costumes per show year. Regional champions may not enter another regional competition in the same show year.
Group costumes are not allowed.
Competing champions must enter in the same costume which they won their regional competition in.
Competitors must provide a written description that the emcee will read during their appearance on stage. This may describe the details of the costume or provide a story about the character being portrayed. Competitors may offer details about the construction process, materials, number of work hours, or anything that might impress the judges and fans. This description is limited to 100 words. C2E2 reserves the right to edit introduction material for time and content.
All accepted Competitors must check-in for craftsmanship judging in the early afternoon of the contest day onsite at C2E2. Failure to appear at check-in at the time advised by the C2E2 Team will result in such Competitor's disqualification. If accepted, the C2E2 Team will notify the Competitor when and where the craftsmanship judging will take place. Information will be provided to Competitors closer to the Competition. Competitors must appear in costume at the time of such Competitors' check-in.
To be judged for accuracy as a visual reference, Competitors must bring a reference color photo of the character such Competitor is cosplaying when such Competitor arrives for onsite check-in. Competitors may not be eligible for accuracy points if the judges are not familiar enough with such Competitor's character.
Electronic media (i.e. CDs) will not be accepted and Competitors may not bring a laptop or video device (i.e. ipad or iphone) to pre-judging. No skits are allowed on stage or during judging.
No profanity, political or religious statements are allowed on stage including messages on signs or clothes. Competitors who violate this may be disqualified from the Competition.
Costumes cannot promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous or any particular political agenda or message.
Costumes cannot be obscene or offensive, endorse any form of hate or hate group.
Costumes cannot defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about C2E2, its exhibitors, sponsors, or its or their products, or other people, products or companies.
Costumes cannot communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which C2E2 wishes to associate.
Costumes cannot depict, and cannot itself, be in violation of any law.
No pyrotechnics will be allowed including but not limited to fire, flash powder, explosives, smoke bombs, or fireworks.
Competitors must refrain from wearing or using any substances that may potentially interfere with another Competitor's costume. If a Competitor is wearing body paint or make-up, Competitor must make sure it will not come in contact with other Competitors . Competitors may not bring anything on stage that could damage the other costumes of other Competitors. Competitors may not leave anything on stage before or after the Competition.
No nudity. All costumes should provide enough coverage that's appropriate for a family-friendly show. Gore, graphic violence or other objectionable elements may be grounds for disqualification as determined by the judges or C2E2 Team in their sole discretion. C2E2 reserves the right to decide what is considered appropriate for the show's audience.
Contestants are responsible for their own belongings. C2E2 is unable to provide a secure area for personal items. C2E2 recommends bringing an assistant to help with belongings.
Any Competitors may be disqualified from the contest by C2E2 for failure to observe any of these rules. All decisions made by the judges are final.
Pre-fabricated, store-bought costumes cannot compete in the Competition. All costumes must be made by the Competitor. A portion of the costume (such as leotard, tights and shoes) may be from purchased, finished goods, but at least 60% of the costume must have been constructed by the Competitor. If Competitor has made heavy alterations to a store-bought garment and wish to enter it into the Competition, Competitor must be able to explain how Competitor has altered it and the processes that such an endeavor entailed. Unaltered, store-bought assemblies of clothing to represent a character or "costume" are NOT allowed.
No electrical power connections will be provided. If your costume requires power it must be part of Competitor's costume design.
Wings, large props or large costumes are approved, but if Competitor's costume is over 8 feet tall, or 3 feet wide Competitor may not fit through the doors or up the stage ramp. If possible, make wings and other parts associated with your costume detachable. C2E2 has no limit on the size of costumes or props, but asks that Competitors be safe and aware while on stage. C2E2 staff may, at its sole discretion, require Competitor to not take the stage during the Competition and will make best efforts to provide you with space close to the front of the stage to showcase Competitor's costume during the Competition. Competitor will be responsible for ALL damage to the stage, lighting, technical aspects or any convention property.
All entrants must be 16 years of age or older to compete, provided, however, that in the event Contestant is under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian of such Competitor (the "Parent"), has read and understood these terms andhereby expressly approves and consents to such terms,and waives all obligations and rights which such Competitor may have in connection therewith.
All Competitors who make it to prejudging will be required to sign a permission/release/waiver form to participate in the Competition.
Competitor's costume must allow movement with limited assistance. Competitor's costume must not impede Competitor's ability to get on and off stage. Furthermore, Competitor's costume cannot be built on stage.
Any prize won by an eligible Competitor who is a minor will be awarded to such Competitor's parent or legal guardian, who must sign and return any required documents. Receiving the prize is contingent upon compliance with these Official Rules.
Release: By accepting a prize, the winning Competitor ("Winner") agrees to release and hold harmless Reed Exhibitions, a division of RELX Inc., and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, suppliers, distributors, advertising/promotion agencies, and prize suppliers (if any), and each of their respective parent companies and each such company's officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the Competitionor receipt or use or misuse of any prize.
C2E2 reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Competition, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond C2E2's reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Competition, as determined by C2E2 in its sole discretion. C2E2 reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any Competitor it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Competitionor to be acting in violation of these Official Rules of this or any other promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Competitionmay be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, C2E2 reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. C2E2's failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.
Limitations of Liability: C2E2 is not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, typographical errors, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Competition; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Competition; (4) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Competition or the processing of entries; or (5) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant's participation in the Competition or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. If for any reason a Competitor's entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, Competitor's sole remedy is another entry in the Competition, if it is possible. If the Competition, or any part of it, is discontinued for any reason, C2E2, in its sole discretion, may elect to hold a random drawing from among all eligible entries received up to the date of discontinuance for the prize offered herein.
The judge's decisionsare final and will not be subject to independent audit review by Competitors.
All Competitorswill be reviewed for any props that resemble a weapon and this item will be tagged once deemed safe to the public. All other items deemed unsafe will be confiscated by the C2E2 Team.
In exchange for the opportunity to register for and compete in the Competition, each Competitor hereby grants to Reed Exhibitions, a division of RELX Inc. ("Management"), its employees, agents, and assignees, the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to photograph, film, reproduce, portray and/or otherwise exploit the name, voice, appearance, photograph, image and/or likeness of such Competitor at C2E2 and/or in the Competition (collectively, "Likeness"), and to use the results and proceeds, without limitation, in materials produced by Management in any and all media, in perpetuity. Competitor hereby waives any claim to compensation for use of such Likeness. Competitor agrees that Management owns the images and all rights related to them. The images may be used by Management in any manner or media without notifying Competitor, such as the C2E2 website, publications, promotions, broadcasts, advertisements, and posters, for advertising or other related purposes. Competitor waives any right to inspect or approve the finished images or any printed or electronic matter that may be used with them.
Competitor releasesManagement and its employees, agents, and assignees, including any firm authorized to publish and/or distribute a finished product containing material produced by Management, from any claims, causes of action, damages or liability which Competitor may ever have in connection with the use of or relating to the Likeness. Competitor hereby waives any moral rights or "droits moral" Competitor may have in the material produced by Management and/or the Likeness.
Competitor, or, in the event Competitor is under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian of one or more minor Holder who will be attending C2E2 and/or the Competition (the "Parent"), has read and understood this appearance release andhereby expressly approves and consents to this release of the Likeness, affirms theirright and authority to agree to the terms,and waives all obligations and rights which such individual may have in connection therewith. For good and valuable consideration, Parent hereby guarantees that the minor or minors shall not at any time disaffirm the release of the Likeness by reason of the minor's or minors' minority or otherwise and hereby agrees to indemnify Management from any loss arising from any claims made by or on behalf of the minors relating to this release of the Likeness.
Remember to have fun, and always be respectful, courteous and encouraging to everyone participating in the competition.
If you have any questions about the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay please contact Chris D'Lando.